2008年11月3日 星期一


三名年輕女性網友彼此不認識,分別前往台泥大樓附近向陳雲林表達不同訴求, 她們分別手持中華民國國旗、西藏雪山獅子旗及「反共必勝」標語等道具, 在距離台泥大樓相當遠的距離,遭到二、三十位警方包圍 對此,趙天麟金指控警方違法逮捕,將不排除協同網友提告

警方在未舉牌警示違法及告知違反任何法律的情況下, 粗暴地將三位女性的旗幟、布條搶走, 導致脫臼、挫傷不等的傷勢,並將其拖至偵防車, 帶至保安大隊留置,甚至在簡余晏議員抵達前不准其就醫。


Police Brutality on Female Protestors in Taipei

Three concerned citizens of Taiwan arrived at Taiwan Cement Building with Taiwan flags, Tibetan flags, and signs reading "Victory to Anti-Communist" to observe Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin's visit and were brutally dragged away from the scene. One female suffered dislocations while the other two suffered various bodily injuries as well. The police detaiend the individuals at its Yan-shou Road station without questioning or providing any medical attention. Until DPP Youth Director Chao Tianlin and Taipei City Congresswoman Jian Yuyan arrived at the scene, the Police allowed the injured citizens to seek medical assistance. The police continued to question the individuals' identities and refused to stop doing so when arriving at the hospital. After protests from Mr. Chao and Ms. Jian, and the arrival of press did the police leave.
DPP's Chao Tianlin and Jian Yuyan have charged the Police for assault and false imprisonment on behalf of the individuals.



